Cardboard stabilising elements

Product safety is key when transporting and storing products. To ensure it, we recommend stabilizing elements. In Organic Polska's offering you will find a range of solutions such as cardboard dividers, profiles made of multilayer corrugated cardboard and trusses. These elements are used to immobilize and hold the goods in a fixed, unchanging position, and to separate them within a layer or a bulk package. Our stabilization products are also used to create secure full-pallet loads (washers, hoods, interlayer spacers).

We select materials for production depending on the specific requirements of our customers.

Go green and swap the traditional foam and polystyrene solutions for available, equally good, cardboard or cardboard glueboard solutions.

Our solutions are lightweight and durable, easy to segregate (mono-material products), and recyclable. Cardboard is quickly and sustainably biodegradable (it can even be used for mulching).


Cardboard stabilising elements

Cardboard stabilising elements is not only about conservation and ecology

Cardboard dividers, trusses or corrugated cardboard profiles not only provide protection for the transported or stored goods, but also allow better use of space, for example, on a pallet or within a bulk package such as a case. The ergonomics provided by our stabilizing elements will translate into reduced costs of product transport and storage.

Stabilizing elements made of cardboard and manufactured by Organic Polska allow full customization in terms of strength, shapes and dimensions.

Contact Organic Polska's office directly to select the right solution and obtain a quote. Our experts will be happy to answer any questions.


Organic Poland

Cardboard packaging manufacturer Organic Polska Sp. z o.o. is a family-owned company with a wealth of experience. Present on the market since 2009, from the very beginning we constantly introduce newer and more interesting products tailored to the needs of the most demanding customers. Our product range includes: cardboard IBCs, transport packaging, cardboard pallets, stabilising elements (i.e. cardboard profiles and spacers) to name a few. Our solutions help customers eliminate heavy materials (e.g. wood) and non-organic materials (e.g. polystyrene foam) from their processes, simplify packaging, and eliminate transport damage to generate savings and improve the customer's image. If you want to learn more about our offer and how we can improve the logistics in your company, contact our advisors personally.

Contact details:
ul. Lubelska 5
24-173 Markuszów