Cardboard dividers

Cardboard divider is the most commonly used stabilizing element in transportation. Depending on consumers’ needs, the dividers are made of multilayer cardboard. The type of wave is selected for specific applications. The most popular dividers are made from B, C, EB, BC and BCBC waves (a proprietary glueboard from Organic Polska).

The measures are usually correlated with those of the most popular pallets (1200×800, 1200×1000). We can make dividers of any other dimensions on a special request.

Organic Poland - cardboard dividers

The undisputed leader in this product category is the 1140×740 mm lightweight B-wave spacer, which serves as a stabilizing interlayer for full-pallet loads. It is also used as a pallet insulating spacer, which is laid on the pallet before the first layer of goods is laid.

Cardboard divider – heavy-duty stabilizing elements

At Organic Polska, stabilizing elements are made from glued cardboard, which we produce ourselves using the available standard cardboard. That's why we can guarantee that our trusses, fillers and cardboard profiles are strong, sturdy and resistant. They will work well both for interleaving goods on a pallet and for reinforcing packaging. They offer highly effective protection that goes hand in hand with a low cost of purchase. Many of the stabilizing elements we offer can be used multiple time, which is a sustainable option. Cardboard dividers are an excellent alternative to dividers made of plywood, wood or plastic. At Organic Polska, we produce dividers that match the dimensions of the most popular pallets. Besides dividers in standard dimensions, we offer cut-to-size models.

Organic Poland - cardboard divider

Cardboard dividers – stabilization and protection

Cardboard divider

The primary function of cardboard dividers, like other stabilizing elements such as cardboard profiles, cardboard trusses, box fillers is to protect and stabilize. However, these are not their only functions. More advanced printed dividers or dividers with appropriate additions (creases, notches and edges) can streamline the work of packers by easier positioning and alignment of goods on layers. In addition, the appropriate use of strong, multi-layered glueboard dividers can help make better use of space by safely creating successive layers within a bulk package or on a pallet.

Stabilizing elements bring measurable time and money savings. Cardboard dividers from Organic Polska are the perfect solution for most industries – whether manufacturing, logistics or retail. 

Dividers – whether disposable or reusable are comfortable to use and sustainable.


Cardboard divider – advantages

Cardboard divider is a packaging element – lightweight, sustainable and durable. It can be disposable or reusable. The use of appropriate dividers lowers costs by reducing the labor intensity of packaging, limiting transport damage, and increasing the capacity of cases and pallets by creating additional layers.

Dividers can be designed for customized and specialized applications and can successfully replace plywood, wood and plastic.

Cardboard divider
– material specification

Standard dividers are made of 2- or 3-ply, B- or C-wave cardboard with a thickness of 2 - 5mm and grammage of 180 - 500g, when packing light goods. For heavier goods, dividers made of 5- or 10-ply, EB, BC, BCCB, CBCB wave cardboard with a thickness of 5-15mm and grammage from 500g to even 2000g are recommended

The possibilities are almost endless. It is possible to make dividers of greater thicknesses – composed from available standard cardboards.

Cardboard divider – meaasures

Dividers are designed to be used on pallets of the most popular dimensions, i.e. 1200×800 and 1200×1000. Lean pallet versions are very popular. We sell most 1140×740mm dividers. Dividers can be larger or smaller than the pallets,
on which they are used.

Dividers can be cut to any size in the range of 3500x100mm or 100×2800 (depending on whether the direction of the cardboard wave matters). The smallest dividers ordered by our customers were 200×200. Dividers can have different thickness and shape.

Cardboard divider – price.

For a quote on our cardboard dividers,
Please contact our Sales Manager

Organic Poland

Cardboard packaging manufacturer Organic Polska Sp. z o.o. is a family-owned company with a wealth of experience. Present on the market since 2009, from the very beginning we constantly introduce newer and more interesting products tailored to the needs of the most demanding customers. Our product range includes: cardboard IBCs, transport packaging, cardboard pallets, stabilising elements (i.e. cardboard profiles and spacers) to name a few. Our solutions help customers eliminate heavy materials (e.g. wood) and non-organic materials (e.g. polystyrene foam) from their processes, simplify packaging, and eliminate transport damage to generate savings and improve the customer's image. If you want to learn more about our offer and how we can improve the logistics in your company, contact our advisors personally.

Contact details:
ul. Lubelska 5
24-173 Markuszów